Freak Out Returns To Stonewall March 3rd for “Unexpect The Expected”

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The House Of Dandridge presents
Freak Out: Unexpect The Expected
Thursday, March 3rd
The Stonewall Inn
Doors 6:30
Showtime 7pm
2 drink minimum
21+ proof of vaccination required
$5 suggested donation for The Stonewall Inn Gives Back Initiative

The Freak Out gang is back for another super various variety show at the legendary Stonewall Inn on Thursday, March 3rd. Every month Chauncey guides his talented and creative cast of performers with a theme. This month’s theme is “Unexpect The Expected” and we deliver to promise! Join us in the upstairs cabaret room for a night of live singing, fierce choreography, poetry, performance art, and even some knife dancing!

Featuring performances by:

your host CHAUNCEY DANDRIDGE @houseofdandridge

THE DEBBIE DONNAS @thedebbiedonnas

MARCEL THE ARTIST @marcel_theartist

RICKY ALLSON @rickyallson

EVAN LAURENCE @theevanlaurence

MARCOT @therealmarcot

EPHRAIM ADAMZ @ephraimadamz

SIR CHARLES @isircharles

TARA KLANG @taraklang

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