A Neighborhood Stroll During Quarantine

It’s a silently different world out here. The nature even seemed standoffish. Usually, it’s welcoming, but today it felt like it was a little hesitant to connect. The sunshine even felt like it wasn’t able to feed the grass. People mingled and chatted but their interactions were compartmentalized and in a box like the sections…

Special Late Night Edition of Freak Out Variety Show Commemorating Trans Day of Remembrance

Very special late-night edition of FREAK OUT planned for Wednesday, November 20th featuring an all trans* roster of talent at The Stonewall Inn. Earlier that evening there is a vigil and march honoring Transgender Day of Remembrance from Christopher Street Pier to The Stonewall National Monument. ***Stay tuned for list of performers. $5 suggested donation…

The 11th Annual Madonna Worship Night at the legendary Stonewall Inn To Celebrate Madame X’s 61st Birthday! Saturday, August 17th

The 11th Annual Madonna Worship Night at the legendary Stonewall Inn To Celebrate Madame X’s 61st Birthday!Saturday, August 17th REINVENTIONS BENEFIT SHOW 8PMDOORS OPEN 7:30PM$10 suggested donation benefiting The Stonewall Inn Gives Back Initiative PERFORMANCES BY:ARI KIKI GLORIA SWANSONG EVAN LAURENCE BEARDONNA HIBISCUS JOY DRAGLAND 3RD VERSE KYLE MOTSINGER SHE’KNEAD THIS GIG CRYSTAL COMEDOWNS T-BOY…

FREAK OUT Chauncey Birthday Edition Tuesday, March 26th at The Stonewall Inn

FREAK OUT: CHAUNCEY’S FAVOURITE THINGS Tuesday, March 26th at Stonewall 6:30pmRSVPCelebrate Chauncey’s birthday with some of his favourite performers and friends at this monthly variety show at The Stonewall Inn. Madonna.Horror movies.Cheese plates.These are a few of Chauncey’s favourite things… Also Volume Two of his set of poetry books “Something Tsunami” will be released later…

Celebrate The Queen Of Pop’s Birthday at The 10th Annual Madonna Worship Night 08.18.18 at The Stonewall Inn!

So proud to announce our Tenth year of #MadonnaWorship!! Save the date : Saturday August 18th! Performances by: HIBISCUS ELLE MCQUEEN ARI KIKI BEARDONNA CRIMSON KITTY BOBBY BLUE THE BALLADEER RUBEN NAVARRO LA DIVA CICCONE THE DEBBIE-DONNAS CHAUNCEY DANDRIDGE and more! The House Of Dandridge has garnered quite the reputation for one of the most…